Montag, 31. Oktober 2011


Write about the style of writing the author uses.

I read now about 60 sites in the book and I think it’s time now to analyse the author’s style. I wonder if will think the same at the end of the book.

Harper Lee writes really lively and sometimes difficult (because of the special words and short forms). The story is written from the view of a little girl (called Scout) and you can rally feel her emotions. Its really fascinating how Harper Lee it manages to tell the story like a little girl would tell it but with a really good English.

In the story there are often internal monologues when Scout is thinking about anything. Sometimes there is suddenly in the middle of a conversation such an internal monologue and after it the conversation continues.

To read this book is really amusing because of Harper Lees funny stile.

Roger Fluri

(152 words)

Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011


Hello Little Diary

Today it was my first day at school. It would be oene of the greatest Moments of my life, I thougt. Every day in my live since I can think, I was looking forward to this day. But it was horrible. I hate school and I don't want to go to school any more. Burris Ewell doesn't have to go to school mor than one day a year. But Atticus said that's something else and that I have to go to school anyway. When I told him that Mrs. Carroline said I mustn't read any more and he mustn't teach me any more, he said we shoul make a compromise: We read all day together like bevore and I go to school yet. But I shouldn't tell Mrs. Caroline from the compromise - she woldn't be pleasant! And you, Little Diary, you should be a secret too!
I love it to read and to write and it would be terrible if I cant...

By Little Diary

by Roger Fluri (170 words)

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011


Now I read the first two chapters and I think it is a nice and funny book. Sometimes a bit difficult to read because it's written in excellent English. At the beginning for example I didn't realised that Scout the narrator is a girl. I thought she's a boy.

Two things are a bit confusing yet:
  • Whats the meaning of the title? To kill a Mockingbird - It makes no sence for me yet. It will be answered later. I finded out that Mockingbirds are little birds who likes to copy the songs of other birds or the sound of Insects. And I know that a main theme of the book is the segregation and humiliation of races. So a Mockinbird could be a sign for all humans are the same: humans. A Mockingbird looks different from other birds but the somgs are the same. So if someone would kill a Mockingbird, he distroys this sign and thzat means he would make differents between races.
  • What's the mistery of the Readlys and their house? The Readlys are strange People and the Readly Place is a dark and frightening place. I think this People an their place will be important for the story.
"The Readly Place jutted into a sharp curve beyond our house. Walking south, one face its porch; the sidewalk turned and ran beside the lot. The house was low, was once white with a deep front porch and green shutters, but long ago darkened to the colour of the slate grey yard around it. Rain-rotten shingles drooped over the eaves of the veranda; oak trees kept the sun away. The remains of a picket drunkenly guarded the front yard - a 'swept' yard that was never swept-where johnson grass and rabbit-tabacco grew in abundance." - A difficult sequence that describe the Readly Place.

211 Words (307 with the passage)