Montag, 19. Dezember 2011


Write about something in the text in terms of those qualities that professional writers look for in real life: conflict, contrast, contradiction, and characterization.
Harper Lee grew up in Alabama and his ancestor was a general of the south in the American Civil War (Robert Edward Lee). Harper Lee became a lawyer and he represents the law but he wasn’t agreed with the situation of races and prejudices and he couldn’t change anything. So he decided to write a book. And this book is a mix of problems in the Alabama, childlike playfulness, operations of law and Harper Lees own live.

There are many parallels between Harper Lee and Atticus Finch. For example the profession, the domicile and the family. Frances Cunningham Finch Lee was Harper Lees mother. So Harper is a Finch. But he’s a Cunningham to and that’s a bit special because in the book there are Cunninghams to and they are pore and dirty farmer.
Harper Lee ever says “To Kill a Mockingbird” isn't an autobiography of him But I think everybody who writes a book writes a bit an autobiography. And in Harper Lee's book there are so many parallels to his own life that even if he didn't want to he wrote an autobiography.
235 Words (186 words without questions)


Can you picture the location and settings? Draw a map, plan, diagram, picture or any doodle
that helps you make sense of these things.

This is a map of Mycomb County, Alabama, USA in 1935. Atticus Finch lives here with his children Jem and Scout.


At any point, write about how you feel while reading a section of the book. Say how what is happening makes you feel and why? When I was reading the passage in the court I felt a bit like Dill did: helpless, compassionate. Because the innocence of Tom Robinson was really clear. But Mr. Gilmer the opposite lawyer interpreted the facts for his side: Tom is guilty because he escaped. But if he didn’t escape he would have been guilty too because he staid.

The narrative in the book is really understandable and explanations of Atticus were so simple – Every Child can understand them (this are words of Scout) but the jurors didn’t. And so an additional feeling by reading the text was fascination!

At school I read the book “Andorra” from Max Frisch. In that book the main character is excluded and bullied because people think he is a Jew. At the end he was executed. This two books remind me to each other because in both someone has to die because he is part of an unaccepted race. And in both it is really clear the person is innocent.

194 Words (167 Words without question)