Harper Lee grew up in Alabama and his ancestor was a general of the south in the American Civil War (Robert Edward Lee). Harper Lee became a lawyer and he represents the law but he wasn’t agreed with the situation of races and prejudices and he couldn’t change anything. So he decided to write a book. And this book is a mix of problems in the Alabama, childlike playfulness, operations of law and Harper Lees own live.
There are many parallels between Harper Lee and Atticus Finch. For example the profession, the domicile and the family. Frances Cunningham Finch Lee was Harper Lees mother. So Harper is a Finch. But he’s a Cunningham to and that’s a bit special because in the book there are Cunninghams to and they are pore and dirty farmer.
Harper Lee ever says “To Kill a Mockingbird” isn't an autobiography of him But I think everybody who writes a book writes a bit an autobiography. And in Harper Lee's book there are so many parallels to his own life that even if he didn't want to he wrote an autobiography.
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