Montag, 28. November 2011


In your own words what has happened in the book? At any point in the story, retell the major
details of the story's plot so far.

 At the beginning of the book Scout tells us something about the broken arm of her brother Jem. He was nearly thirteen then and the major story of the book had already happened. Then Scout starts telling the story how it came to Jems broken arm.

First Jem Scout and Dill, their new friend who stays in Maycomb each summer, are playing a lot together. The children are very fascinated of their strange neighbour Arthur “Boo” Radley. In winter Scout and her brother found many little gifts in a knothole of a tree on the Radley Place and they thought they are from Boo.

But the next summer when school starts after the holidays everything in the children live was changing because Atticus had to defend a Negro. In Maycomb Negros were still less worth than white people even if the American Civil War was passed. Now there were many uneasy things for the children because people saw them as niggerfriends.

Then Aunt Alexandra came to the Maycomb for living with Atticus and his children. She wanted to look after Jem and Scout because she thought Atticus’ education isn’t strong enough and their contact to “niggers” is bad for them.

228 Words (202 without the question)

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