Montag, 14. November 2011


At any point in the story take a guess as to how the story (plot) will go on or finally conclude. What is going to happen?

(p.76-82 end of chapter 8) I think this is a very important part of the book because until now it was a good world without any problems where Jem and Scout lived. But now it is a turning point. The story is going to change because Atticus has to defend a “Negro” and people don’t like that Atticus accepted it. The racism was only in the edge and on a funny way (for example the nigger-snowman) but now it becomes important.

I think the part when Miss Maudie’s house is burning is a symbol for the story and its changing. Miss Maudie’s house is destroyed and the Finks can be very happy that their house isn’t destroyed too. Now Atticus defends the “Negro” even if he knows he’s going to loose and even if he knows his own life and that of his family is in danger too. But at the end it will not happen anything really bad to Atticus and his children. Like their house that’s still there and intact.

 199 words (173 words without the Question)

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